Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Textbook Tuesday: Niq's Required Fall 10' Texts (Update: THE BOOKS HAVE BEEN PURCHASED)

For those of you who may or may have not been following the blog since last fall, you may remember I was frantically trying to apply to graduate programs and gather portfolios showing my writings, etc.  Well, I was accepted into Regent University's graduate program for this fall, and I have to say I'm very excited.  It's definitely a great opportunity for me to hone in on my craft, and produce some important pieces.  I have a lot of ideas floating around in my head, and I'm eager to get them out in a presentable format!  With all of that being said, grad school is not just a gift, it is a curse, lol.  For this semester, I'll be responsible for my tuition etc, because I'm coming in under academic provision.  They want to make sure I'm not a slacker, which is reasonable.  Once I wow them, they'll put me back at a no holds acceptance status, and I'll be able to apply for fellowships and grad assistant positions.  In the meantime, I have to pay for things myself, and, yeah... I'm broke!  So, um... who wants to buy me a textbook?  Seriously, here's the books I need.  :-)

If you can't donate a book, comment and let me know you care about my plight! Lol.

~Niq' :-)

        Media Studies: A Reader -- 3rd Edition


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