Friday, October 2, 2009

To Be Young, Gifted, & Black

Hey ya'll. I went to the library today, and got something good in the mail. Check it out!


  1. I loved Shelter.
    Ok I want to join your bookclub let me know when you want to have the first talk sessions

  2. Here's the Book List

    1. Fifth Sunday
    2. Giovanni's Room
    3. Selected Poems of Gwendolyn Brooks
    4. Blues: For All the Changes
    5. Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?: And other Conversations about Race
    6. On the Bus with Rosa Parks
    7. All Aunt Hagar's Children

    I'm reading book #1 now. @LilyMarley wants to read along for book #2, so I'll let you know when we're starting. Thanks for the comments.

