Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Fire Next Time

I promised a video today, and with about 20 minutes to spare, I'm delivering the goods.

God is love. Rev Run.

It ain't over until... NIQSPEAKS!!!

p.s.- the 2010 full-scale launch of Niqspeaks.com is going to be all things official. I will DEFINITELY keep you all updated on the workings. In the meantime, feel free to send topics of discussion, questions, and comments, and sites/charitable organizations that you want to push to niqspeaks@gmail.com

All my love,


Monday, November 16, 2009

Only a Day Away


I'm gonna make a video tomorrow! Big changes since my last vid and some updates for you!!! Thanks for sticking in there with me. I have like a whopping ...14 or 15 subscribers now! How exciting is that?

In the meantime, you can check out my other online presences here...

www.twitter.com/NiqSpeaks (or just check the bottom of the screen)
www.youtube.com/Niquea03 (even just to look through my favs)
www.myspace.com/Niqspeaks (I'm never up here)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Muse

Recent conversation has brought me to a place where I ACTUALLY have to blog about it to keep certain eyes away from my thoughts. Lol. I just don't get some of your guys out here. Especially "church guys". How are you following in the footsteps of the ultimate conversationalist, not just the master of words, but the originator and quintessential essence of words, and not know how to approach, and initiate courtship on an individualized basis? It seems as though the act of chivalry is not only dead, but is now being beaten to assurance. I pray that when my "ay bay bay" comes along, he'll know how to properly pursue me. Oh my God, I cringe at the thought of re-using terms of affection and endearment per the enjoyment of peers. Shut the book. For example, I have a muse. I've had this one in particular for quite some time now. I've never used the same words to illustrate this emotional whatever that I have for it, not just because i didn't want to, but because when something is of value to you, you don't stop finding new reasons why you love it, and you can't really run out of words, even though none of them are good enough to describe it. I'm probably not making any sense right now, and that's fine. I just feel like you should always be able to bring something new to the table when it comes to things like this. Here, just tonight, I wrote this.

"Who YOU are, could never be wrapped up in a second hand cliché, trite verse, or speech of trend. While mortals fall short of words to mark you, and intellects search their tablets for new just cause, you stand alone, giving pause, not defined, but refined. What fools they make to hold you to the letter. Let grace be written upon you, meekness and strength intertwined in the ink. You are the dawn of endless days, behold all things are made new, and the muse lives forever on."

That took me about 20 minutes. Man, I dunno. I'm sure that before, maybe at a different point in my life, there would have been other things in there, or different ... i can't really get too much into detail, but what I'm saying is that it's an individualized experience. Amongst friends, brothers, lovers, strangers. You can keep it fresh. God, don't let my booski bring me stale offerings. No bueno.



Friday, October 30, 2009


Me and my baby will love like children
With a blind faith that nothing can conquer what we have
The bundles of joy will show proof of our union
The splendid kisses of winter summer the ebb and flow
The backing and forward motions of fall and spring
Our steps light our tears few and many
Love and fearlessness
Complete triune reflections of a graceful creator
Illuminations of harmony
We shall be the songs in the key of life
And the world will sing in tune.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I got a small gift this morning when I woke up that I wanted to share with you...

There is a place I long to go when sorrows overtake me
Where worried men from high and low do meet and find the same
And in that place my need for worldly gain no longer shapes me
When loving arms surround me, I am sheltered in That name.

No circumstance, nor substance can replace this gentle peace
No longing or unknowing can unsure my faith in Thee

And in that place my need for worldly gain no longer shapes me
When loving arms surround me I am sheltered in That name.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Commitment Issues

I know... I know... It's been over a month since my last post, but I PROMISE, I am going to start posting again. Things have been in a whirlwind and I am done with school! Praise Jehovah. I'm tripping and stumbling with my workouts, and need to get back on the ball, but I'm not worried about it. The rough edges will soon be smoothed out! I've been on facebook/twitter overload lately, so you can ALWAYS catch me updating there. I'm gonna add my twitter widget to the page again today so even if I'm not posting blogs, you can catch my 24/12. Yes. That's old school for overtime work. Um, as always, if you have any ideas for topics, or questions that you want me to answer in my upcoming blogs, just shoot me an email; niqspeaks@gmail.com.

Yes, so there's the short and skinny of it. Full blog coming soon.

And although it might be hard sometimes, please don't forget ...

It ain't over till... NiqSPEAKS!!!

Peace, Love, Jah Blessings

Saturday, June 20, 2009

She Got a Light Skinned Friend...

I know I haven't posted in a while, but I've been super busy! Changes are happening and I'm excited about the progress I've made, and the goals that I have set for the future...with all of that being said, I just wanted to write this quick thank you message to God for some of His smaller, yet equally important miracles. Enjoy.

Dear God,

I'd like to thank You for the light skinned people in my life. Even though they've gone out of style, You still bless me with the ability to love them!!!

You're amazing,

♥ Niq'

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Question on Deck! Can I Have It?

724? or 509? What's your credit score and should your "boo" be entitled to that knowledge? Your job? Is it offensive if somebody who's interested in your be able to ask for your credit score? Just wondering...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Forgiving Hims Chapter 1. ~TSB

Hurt rules everything around me

H'ream sounds Muslim, so that’s what Imma name him

Let me back track and give a little explanation

My life’s “The Color Purple” meets “The Rapture of Canaan”

He was on that Jodeci said I was Forever His Lady when he came n’

Now he’s says its only forever if you claim it

Our love has translated itself in a new language

And it sounds like he wants this thing to be nameless, faceless and me, heartless

Well he’ll be hard pressed to find out I have accepted this mission

And have plans to bring some love into this loveless collision

My decision requires that I lay down all my battle armor

I’m havin this baby.


The Suicide Bomber

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

YO! Q.O.D.

Q.O.D.= Question on Deck! Lol. I'm gonna post random questions up here, and if you have any thoughts or opinions on them, just leave a response via text comment, or video response! Oh yeah, and feel free to get addicted! ~NiqSpeaks

www.niqspeaks.blogspot.com & www.twitter.com/niqspeaks

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Working on the DOT.COM

Hey... just wanted to say that I haven't forgotten about you! My mind has kind of fried itself, without the aid of any illegal substances, so this last week of school is almost killing me! Well, I wanted you to know that I bought a domain name, but then I found out I needed a host site as well! Lol, gosh. So, if you know any good host sites, please let me know! I'm prepping a launch date for www.niqspeaks.com sometime in June of this year! I've done some rough outlining so far, but there's sooo much more I want to do with it. Get excited.... Get with it...Get addicted!

Subscribe and tell a friend to subscribe as well!

All is well in Love & Dramatics!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Jesus Drives My 4x4

I just wanted to say sorry for not posting a video this weekend, but this was the craziest week of Philosophy DLP work thus far! But I asked Jesus via a twitter update to take the wheel of my exam, and He drove it right on through... *praise break* lol. Ya'll, the class average was a 68%, and I made a 90% on it!!! Go Niq, Go Jesus, Go Niq, Go Jesus! lol. Aiight, that's all for now. I have to go write this letter of intent for my job, so they can know that i DO NOT intend to continue being a slave on the packaging line @ the chip factory after I get my degree. So PAY ME...! lol, or @ least give me something better to do!



Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Eggshell Twitter Social- Easter 0h9

I finally made a video! Welcome to a new year of NiqSpeaks... It's all types of dope. lol.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

...Because You Should Read More

You know? Know what? I dunno. But hey, I got a 96% on my Philosophy Exam on Metaphysics. I don't want to get the big head, and add myself to the list of great philosophizers! lol. I went there for sure, but the point is... um... I get into it. I mean, yes, some of it is very mundane and the reading is killer, but I consider myself to be a super thinker. Lol, the last of the philosophical Mohicans if you will. Not a lot of girls from the 757 spend time contemplating the things of this life and *past lives*, things to come and weights with which to measure these events. I do I do I do enjoy a good think session. And I enjoy others who like to partake in the activity of thinking. And I like talking with them.

Speaking of which, I was conversing with my roommate tonight on the way back from the local grocer, and we were chatting on the importance of finding others that have the ability to communicate effectively in your life. I can be quite honest and say that we were talking indirectly about being found by that perfect young sir. It's quite a challenge these days for anyone, but when you are educated, sophisticated, intelligent by design, and fabulous by nature, it becomes a matrimonial jihad. And so, in a way that I now find only suiting to a Liberty girl, I shall admit that the majority of my philosophical ranting entails the internal fashioning of my super guy. Yes, I use philosophy to put together a blueprint of the one who will come and put that ridiculously simple rock on my hand one day. Simple because I know I might lose the ring like I've lost every other expensive piece of jewelry I've received. Simple because I'm going to be so paid...the ring won't matter. Simple because its only a symbol of a unity that begins before our birth and before our parting... man, I can't wait to get married... not even. I can't wait for the courtship. I sure hope he does it right....but wait, I digress.

This was supposed to be about philosophy. Or marriage. Conversation! Yes. The mastery use of effective communication! You have to know how to talk. Laymen's terms. It is by all means perfectly okay to "Put On" for your city, whatever that means, but please, make sure you find a way out of your city as well. Travel a bit. Go a little further than 30 minutes away from your high school. You'd be amazed at what's out there. Le sigh. It's just... I don't know. I do have hope that there is a world out there where there are educated men who wear full sleeved shirts, and when I say shirts I do not mean a cotton te, (the e is silent :p) and have stopped buying Air Force One sneakers, use the word conversate jokingly, and have the ability to discuss the effects of foreign trade on the US dollar. Men who understand their place in the world and seek greater things than this world can offer them... I have just gone off on a mental tangent of great degree. There is such a lack.

Le sigh. The task to teach a world seems much too daunting. I shall start with my son. He will know ultimate realities. He will have a life for God. He will have a hand for his brother, a chair for his sister, a heart for his mother, and an ear towards his father...Where have all the cowboys gone? (melissa ethridge?)

Goodnight. This is random blogging at its finest. And should I never marry, I will write books, and sing unheard songs, and see every great place on this land. Then I shall settle myself in a studio apt in the village with a desk and a chair and a pen and a pad (C. Wong) and maybe a hammock, and write my memoirs. They're gonna be hot! Lol. I'm out ya'll. Tired as a champ.


Friday, April 3, 2009

Did I Say the 3rd ?

...So, this might be the worst weekend ever to try and plan a huge comeback. Let's reschedule for April 10th. I definitely feel better about April 10th. FYI, I have an essay and two exams due by midnight Sunday! I'm trying to finish this school thing, but it's really gotten old. Never save your fundamentals and electives till the end. You'll be sorry. Le sigh. Happy belated to my 757boo Asia. She's the big 2-3. And she got accepted to UNC Wil...ming...ton? I think... lol. Oh well, I'm signing off for now. Hopefully I can get a free minute in to make a quick video. Thanks for your patience...


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Disappearing Acts...

I know I haven't "posted up" since December! I hope everybody had a great holiday season, and stayed safe. I only have three followers up here, so I hope none of you got caught in any shootings or other tomfoolery. I just haven't had time to make a video and edit it up for the site, so for now, I hope you enjoy reading.

So far, 2009 has been an adventure. I almost didn't get into my classes for the spring, lost some scholarship perks, and started paying on a new loan. On the upside, my loans packaged after my first payment on my tuition, so now I'll be able to pay some of my personal loan off with the refunded amount, I AM finishing my last semester @ Liberty, NO MATTER WHAT, lol, and I'm doing my best to eat better and watch my sugar intake. I really want to make the most out of this year. 2009 is a TRANSITION year for me. I'm readying myself for a new decade, a new mindset, and a new outlook on life. I'm aligning myself spiritually, physically, academically, and financially for an awesome 25 year old Niq.

I hope that others will start doing the same. There's just so much going on across the country right now, and it seems like everybody's looking for a leader, instead of being their own catalyst. Why should we keep waiting for things to change, when you can take an active part in being that change? I dunno. The 20th is right around the corner! GO OBAMA! I'm so proud to be a part of this time in history. It's huge! What an accomplishment!

Well, I want to say that's all for now. *And here's when I write for another 20 minutes! lol.*

Oh, I started listening to Pandora.com today. It's definitely a new addiction. I also received my two free issues of Essence magazine today. January featuring President Elect Barack Obama and February featuring Tyler Perry as cover men! Amazing! That's another thing to get into in 2009! R-E-A-D-A-B-O-OK! There's so many talented authors out there right now, speaking of which, big ups and major props to Nick George for his new book, "Flows N Prose"! He's a published author now! That means I personally know two published authors! Get excited. I'm definitely third! Thanks KAA! Lol. Yes, so with all the talent and passion, you should really pick up a book and get into it. Okay... That's really it now! Ya'll take it easy.

...and don't forget
It ain't over until ~ NiqSpeaks!